Some more girl musing!

A note in the beginning itself- This is a little long post, please bear with me if you do start! :) It is tough being a girl...who doesn't use guys as she needs. I have thought about this on several occasions but could never muster the courage and gather my thoughts collectively on this to actually write, but some days make you write uninhibitedly (which is how I usually end up writing anyway, but still!). This may not be applicable on everyone but this is my usual observation about the types of guys girls have in their life- most girls have a boyfriend, with whom they share a lot of their life's details, spend all the good time with, spend on and for them but also take out their anger of jealousy on them (which I personally think is fine, because as it goes, if you are getting someone at their best, you should also be able to handle them at their worst). But then, comes the next category. Girls have a guy in their life, whom they go to when they fight with their bo...