Unconditional Love.

I had to cut short the prologue because the post was getting really long..!! It is still long but here goes- I am not sure how many have experienced this and I am pretty sure that there aren't too many who can say that they have been loved unconditionally. That they met a person, got to know them inside out, fell in love and that was the best feeling ever even if they knew that it wasn't going to work out..sometimes you just know it from the start but probably you should just take it one day at a time. Unconditional love is when you can't wait to tell someone all about you..when you know whatever you say, they won't judge you and you are right that they don't...when all you can think about is how to make each other's lives better...when you are never bored of the person regardless of the time you spend with them...when sometimes you do need personal space but you are still with each other and end up fighting unnecessarily but you know that it is just s...