A page out of a girl's diary!

Wrote parts of this on Women’s Day when I was in a really determined and strong kind of a mood. The other parts of it are written in a serene manner, so this post itself is symbolic of the variations a woman can have, the moods, thoughts and qualities. The first thought which comes to my mind when I think about women equality in this world is that women are never given the respect they deserve. They weren’t given importance a 100 years back when the women of that era must have hoped for a better future, nor are they given the praise they deserve even now when girls and women all around hope for a better future for their daughters. I have always wondered why, oh why, are jokes made on women so much more than the opposite gender. Why is it that every male I know would be offended by a male-mocking joke whereas they expect us to laugh at those aimed at us. This fact I have always despised and I personally take a lot of pleasure in forwarding female-empowering one liners; the...