A page out of a girl's diary!
Wrote parts of this on Women’s Day when I was in a really
determined and strong kind of a mood. The other parts of it are written in a
serene manner, so this post itself is symbolic of the variations a woman can
have, the moods, thoughts and qualities.
The first thought which comes to my mind when I think about
women equality in this world is that women are never given the respect they
deserve. They weren’t given importance a 100 years back when the women of that
era must have hoped for a better future, nor are they given the praise they
deserve even now when girls and women all around hope for a better future for
their daughters.
I have always wondered why, oh why, are jokes made on women
so much more than the opposite gender. Why is it that every male I know would
be offended by a male-mocking joke whereas they expect us to laugh at those
aimed at us. This fact I have always despised and I personally take a lot of
pleasure in forwarding female-empowering one liners; they give the feeling of
equality and triumph in a way that I haven’t achieved by criticizing a person
who thinks it’s funny to make a joke on girls’ supposedly lack of intelligence.
I think this is because it’s like fighting a gush of water...no matter how hard
you push away from one side, it will reach on to you from the other.
Well, when it comes to talking about how stupid girls are,
may I remind every male that ‘remember the days of school when only girls
topped in class, danced at annual functions, got awards and all you could do
was being jealous of her?!’. Of course the two genders’ capabilities are hugely
different but that doesn’t mean that you’ve got qualities more than she does!
Ever tried being creative, compromising, caring, organized, influencing at same
time and of course being pretty as a girl?! No, because these qualities are
more in females, but that doesn’t mean we go on making fun of your incapability
of staying clean, even for a day!
In fact, sometimes I think men make fun of women because, in
a way, they can never compete with us! *a satisfying thought* A woman has the
power to control and manipulate a man in a way that a man can never EVER learn
and for that matter, even understand.
We are awesome!!! We can be moody at times, but an hour later when we realize
our own strength, power and determination we can be as happy, indifferent or
even destroying as we like, what say
girls?! ;) We have the ultimate power to turn lives around us as we wish to!!
After all this comes the category of people who weigh the
superiority of men over women from the number of 'known' women who have existed.
They say women can't be as successful as men but I would say no matter how hard
a man tries he cannot be as famous AND talented AND pretty as Scarlett Johansson
or Vera Wang or Taylor Swift or Ayn Rand or Aishwarya Rai or Selena Gomez!! I
am very sure of this and right now I am feeling a sense of pride in these women
and for being one! :)
In conclusion, no write up about women ends without a mention of how
neglected the house-managers all around the world are! They provide us healthy
and tasty food all our lives and all people do is try to molest them! Stop it,
please! But, anyway, despite the fact that they aren’t famous for what they do,
they are certainly most loved!
To all the women out there!
Cheers! :)