Self ignorance is bliss!
I have been thinking about the topic since a long time but
as always, I am a lazy writer..or rather, a reluctant one. I don’t know how
many of you got the feeling of the post by the title but I should tell you this
is one of the strongest feelings I have had over time, increasing just a tad
each year, month and day!
Remember that girl who is selfish
or the guy who is mean? Well, when I think about everybody around me, I am
amazed at how a person cannot know who or how he/she is! If she is arrogant or
not, brainy or not, considerate or not! I have always been able to see who I
am, I know how I behave, what my traits are and if they have changed or not. I
know I can be rude at times, but not arrogant, I know I am kind at heart and
don’t say anything to hurt people but that I have a strong, well, non-respect
towards those who think ‘petty’ things like grammar don’t matter in life. But
the point is that I don’t understand how a person can act mean and then be so
oblivious about it! I mean, how can you not know that you are being such a jerk
and then try to even defend what you
do?!! I wonder how a person can lie all the time, about non-important things
and not have a conscience about it!
I try in my head being a person who doesn’t
care about what he/she is doing at present and see that life becomes much
easier if you don’t see who you are. You can be as ill-mannered and as ignorant
as you like and you wouldn’t care about it. How amazing would that be- that you
think that you are the best, that the world revolves around you, that everyone
else is a fool in some manner. Well, in my case, my mind automatically goes to
how many people are better than me,
that there are people who are more intelligent, work harder and are at places I
can’t even imagine being at! Sometimes, that’s a disadvantage as well, because
it leads to the habit of under-estimating. But anyway, I don’t see how people
can be wrapped up in their own little world, ignorant of everything around
them, and worse- everything inside them!
Then there is the category which is very particular and
observant of how people behave with
them but the instant they do the same with someone else, they don’t know about
it in their head and heart! I mean, HOW?!! How can you criticize someone of
something and not know when you are doing it! How can you be hurt when someone
says something to you which you say regularly to someone else! It’s
me at least!! But as is evident, it is better for the self to not bother!
One is much happier if ignorant. When you don’t know how
yuck you are, you do whatever you like and stay happy and content in any case! I
know I can never be like that (neither do I want to, most of the times) but apparently
self ignorance is bliss..!
nice content meghna!! grt going.:-)
Very nice.