I have been thinking about the topic since a long time but as always, I am a lazy writer..or rather, a reluctant one. I don’t know how many of you got the feeling of the post by the title but I should tell you this is one of the strongest feelings I have had over time, increasing just a tad each year, month and day! Remember that girl who is selfish or the guy who is mean? Well, when I think about everybody around me, I am amazed at how a person cannot know who or how he/she is! If she is arrogant or not, brainy or not, considerate or not! I have always been able to see who I am, I know how I behave, what my traits are and if they have changed or not. I know I can be rude at times, but not arrogant, I know I am kind at heart and don’t say anything to hurt people but that I have a strong, well, non-respect towards those who think ‘petty’ things like grammar don’t matter in life. But the point is that I don’t understand how a person can act mean and then be so oblivious about...
I have put that in quotes in the title because that's how people refer to 'the' person. It is a little overrated and cheesy I feel (the tag I mean), which is why I didn't add 'my' in there, felt that would be too much for my liking. Whatever, the term has been there since forever so I should probably shut up about my opinion of that. The real blog post starts now (which by the title you might have judged that it is kind of like a letter if you may). May be I know you, may be I don't; may be I have met you, may be I haven't but in this moment, I just want to speak out to you. One might think this is crazy but most would understand the gesture behind this. Most people my age get thoughts on the line of 'I don't even know who am I going to spend my life with and how weird is that.' Aren't you supposed to be so sure that you wouldn't do it any other way?! And in that way, aren't you supposed to know them from long?! I don...
So this is my first blog post (though I have this account from god knows when!) and I didn’t have an idea as to where to start from! So, lost in the chain of thoughts, I realized since how long I’ve been thinking of having an active blog but I never do; it’s not like I don’t love writing, neither is laziness a reason when you really want to (Well, maybe it is up to some extent but not much I’ll have to say!), then what was it!! And reluctantly, I agreed with my dormant (read-wise :P) self that it was the apprehension about how it will turn out, what and how good I’ll write, whether ‘people’ will like it etc! When I accepted this, I realized how stupid it really sounded! I wanted to write because I wanted to, not a single other reason; then why think about other reasons anyway!! :O So this made me wonder about the fear in us all and my blog’s ‘another beginning’…!! :) I will tell u a truth I’ve come to realize over a long period of time- the best you can do to yourself is...