Write? What? Why?

What do I wanna write about? I want to write but don't know about whom. I want to create something to feel creatively fulfilled but I don't know what to pick. Should I write about the character that is so detached from the world she isn't sure who she is anymore? Or should I write about the one who is taking the world by a storm with her hard work and talent? Should I write poetry today or should I write a prose? Should I write a rap almost that can be turned into music or should I just focus on the characters forgetting everything?

What are we seeking as writers? Is it the need to tell a story or is it to create characters? Is it so people can relate or is it to inspire? Or.. is it simply so we can connect to a few souls?

What makes me want to write? What makes other people want to write? What makes them want to be creative and what makes them want to shut off their doors? What is it that we are fueled by? Are we really specks of the universe? Do we get affected if two stars collide? Or are we just coincidences that really don't matter or fit anywhere?

Are we all yearning for the same things specifically? Or are we all really snowflakes? What makes two snowflakes melt alongside? It must be chance. But may be it is not chance? Where are we all headed? Are we headed anywhere? May be in the spaceship that is the Earth? Well, I didn't mean to get here but I am... so I wonder if what I'm saying is even relevant. But then I wonder if thoughts create reality ever.

What am I even doing - sitting here in a coffee shop wandering through the cosmic world?
Does it mean something to be human? How long am I going to live and see this? And will that help make the world story come together? Will it? Probably not.
But you never know. - What's What. - Who's Who. - Where's Where. - and When's When.


HighRPM said…
Very interesting blog

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