Some more girl musing!

A note in the beginning itself- This is a little long post, please bear with me if you do start! :)

It is tough being a girl...who doesn't use guys as she needs. I have thought about this on several occasions but could never muster the courage and gather my thoughts collectively on this to actually write, but some days make you write uninhibitedly (which is how I usually end up writing anyway, but still!).

This may not be applicable on everyone but this is my usual observation about the types of guys girls have in their life- most girls have a boyfriend, with whom they share a lot of their life's details, spend all the good time with, spend on and for them but also take out their anger of jealousy on them (which I personally think is fine, because as it goes, if you are getting someone at their best, you should also be able to handle them at their worst). But then, comes the next category. Girls have a guy in their life, whom they go to when they fight with their boyfriends. Or when they have career insecurities (which for no apparent reason, they don't talk about with their boyfriend) or are agitated in general about something which they share with that guy instead of her respective man! This guy does a lot for the girl..spends a lot of his time on her, handles her emotionally, does college chores for her (from proxy to assignments in cases where he is from the same college/school), consoles her and ultimately handles her more than her boyfriend. She values him, that is true, but what he ends up expecting is something that he will never achieve. And then comes the last category of boys in girls' life - the guys with whom they casually flirt, chat with and here, most of the time it means nothing, may be except in some cases where the motive is 'facebook likes'!! 
I have been observant of many girls around me and I know some girls really do have guy friends and that they really don't want anything except the camaraderie but it is the second category that I dedicate this post to. I know that many girls reading this wouldn't like this post for obvious reasons but I felt I had to write it. It is not that I will criticize any 'party' involved for doing what they do; human mind is complex and girls' hearts are even more difficult to manage and tackle but my point here is the amount of effort that the guy puts in for you. I believe it drains the guy and it does worse to the girl. Why you ask? I say it is really easy to take out your negativity on someone, one of the things that most girls do effortlessly and frequently but it is another story to tackle yourself-by-yourself.

I won't pretend that I have never done the former stuff because I have. But understanding, working on and overcoming sadness is one of the things I have done that has taken a lot of effort, patience and persistence on my part. And I know most people won't get this but it is the most liberating feeling ever- that you are mentally independent. That you aren't dependent on a set of people for your constant happiness. It sure is wonderful to have those people, it makes us feel more secure and comfortable and that is a very important part as well but this feeling is different- this is joy, independence and something on the lines of triumph but not exactly that..I am not getting a word for it! But anyway, this is what would technically mean self-motivated..I think! 

It took me a lot of time to be able to do not give up..and it still happens that I do..! But overall, it is better. For those around me, because they have to tackle lesser mood-swings and rough phases; for me because I feel happier-longer and then the aura all around, which is a little more positive.
I believe in making the world a better place and I feel small things like these do matter, even if they just reduce a little negativity from the world!!

It is worth it! At least for me! :)



Unknown said…
Girls are wrong to do that, but I dont think the guys are stupid enough to realise what exactly is going on. They should not encourage such behavior in the first place.
Unknown said…
Exactly....I agree wid shreya......though such grls feel they are playing smart n saFe.....but guys actually let dm .....if dy stop behaving easy to go typs....dn dese grls will gt the real taste.......NEWAYS meghna dude.....u rock ya....awsm work
Well, lets start with the very beginning:
First of all, I saw the blog post size and my brain thinking about the irony between "the amount of effort you put-in to type this long post" and the name of your blog "the lazy being" but then your first line make-up for that.
Then I started reading it and couldn't stop myself from reading it till end and to write this long comment. I just wish that the 2nd paragraph would had gone on and on and on... forever...(of-course, I know its idiotic to wish that, as everything as an end).
I don't have words to describe my feeling...
I just wanna say - A great blog post...
And to people who commented earlier, I think : "We should never blame just one person...ONE person is never wrong...!!..". Remember: "You can't clap with one hand."

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